I enjoy randomly picking a hymn from LSB and reflecting on the intention of the author in writing it. This hymn (#665) by Timothy Dudley-Smith is based on Ephesians 6. It is part of the hymnal dedicated to The Church Militant.
Many things going on in the world cause us to take pause, causes true concern about what the future holds. Covid, the Ukraine, inflation — all things that could (and has) have an effect on our lives. It is not unusual to hear that some have given up hope. Yet, scripture is clear that, even in today’s uncertainties, the battle is not ours. Out hope, our trust, our future is in Jesus the Christ. And this hymn helps us to remember that God has also provided the armor to protect us and equip us in the battle.
We are not to be idle, we are to stand firm in the fight. I know I need that reminder all the time. I pray that the Church will remember its call and stand firm in the truth of the Gospel.
Be strong in the Lord in armour of light,
with helmet and sword, with shield for the fight;
on prayer be dependent, be belted and shod,
in breastplate resplendent:the armour of God.
Integrity gird you round to impart
the truth of his word as truth in your heart;
his righteousness wearing as breastplate of mail,
his victory sharing, be strong to prevail.
With eagerness shod stand firm in your place,
or go forth for God with news of his grace;
no foe shall disarm you nor force you to yield,
no arrow can harm you with faith as your shield.
Though Satan presume to test you and try,
in helmet and plume your head shall be high;
beset by temptation be true to your Lord,
your helmet salvation and Scripture your sword.
So wield well your blade, rejoice in its powers,
fight on undismayed for Jesus is ours!
Then in him victorious your armour lay down,
to praise, ever glorious, his cross and his crown.
—Timothy Dudley-Smith
(See - Ephesians 6:10-19)
