As I arise Oh Lord, I remember your faithfulness,
For you have placed Your guardians about me.
In Your mercy you have given me another sunrise,
One filled with the beauty of Your creation.
Guide, then, my path this day,
That I may not veer to the right or left,
Choosing the road of the wicked,
Who would destroy and mock You.
Place upon my heart Your desires,
Ones of Peace and Joy for Your children.
That I might serve Your cause,
Caring for the widows and orphans.
Fill me with Your Spirit,
That my actions might glorify You.
Leading those on the wayward path,
To the shelter that You offer.
By your Grace, You have provided for our needs,
You have placed Your harvest before us in abundance.
May Your children gather the harvest,
Offering the fruits to all in need.
As we come before You in worship and praise,
May our thoughts be of Your Sacrifice.
For You gave us all that we might be Yours,
You suffered that we may have everlasting joy.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit
As it was in the beginning
Is now, and will be forever. Amen.
---Michael Marcus 2015
